
Division Seminars:

date speaker title visitor of
4-mar-2025 Anna Horvath The effect of extra dimensions on astrophysical observables Aneta Wojnar
18-mar-2025 Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman TBA


12-21-February 2023

59. Winter School of Theoretical Physics and third COST Action CA18108 Training School “Gravity — Classical, Quantum and Phenomenology”


Gravity – classical, quantum and phenomenology, in the context of the 59th Karpacz Winter School in Theoretical Physics

The 59th Winter School of Theoretical Physics (12th-21st February this year) was organized by our Institute together with a COST Action CA 18108 “Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach”, for which it was the Third Training School. The subject matter of the School touched upon different areas of research framed by the title “Gravity – Classical, Quantum and Phenomenology”. Namely, the six lecture series were devoted to: asymptotic symmetries of the gravitational field (at the so-called corners), the perturbative framework for gravitational waves emitted by black holes, the theoretical grounds and practical methods of observational cosmology, models of modified gravity and bounds imposed on them by observations, the status and prospects of phenomenology of quantum gravity, and analysis of the gamma-ray telescopes data in the context of Lorentz invariance violation. The investigations of topics discussed in the lectures, and many others related to them, are motivated in particular by the search for signatures (i.e. phenomenology) of Planck-scale physics in the observations of various cosmic messengers, i.e. (ultra-high-energy) cosmic rays, astrophysical neutrinos, gamma-ray bursts and gravitational waves. This approach to the problem of quantization of gravity has recently been summarized in an extensive review published by the COST Action.

Videos of the lectures:

4-25 June 2021: Symposium on quantum symmetries, noncommutative geometry and quantum gravity

  • Conference dedicated to 85th birthday of prof. Jerzy Lukierski (UWr), one of the founding members od Potor
  • Access through the Zoom platform.
  • “This symposium will take the form of virtual video-conference gathering old and young scientific friends linked to the varied activities of Jerzy Lukierski – from conventional quantum field theory, supersymmetries, twistors, deformations to studies of quantum gravity (QG) and noncommutative geometry.”