
Present work of our Division

List of Publications in 2025

  1. P. Navarro Moreno, A. Wojnar, F.J. Llanes-Estrada
    Testing gravity with the latent heat of neutron star matter
    JCAP 01 (2025) 015
  2. E. Lope-Oter, A. Wojnar
    Twin Stars in General Relativity and Extended Theories of Gravity
    JCAP 01 (2025) 054

List of Publications in 2024

  1. M. Assanioussi, J. Kowalski-Glikman, I. Mäkinen, L. Varrin
    On the covariant formulation of gauge theories with boundaries
    Class. Quantum Grav. 41, 115007, 2024
  2. A. Borowiec
    Quantum Calculi: Differential Forms and Vector Fields in Non-commutative Geometry
    Scientific Legacy of Professor Zbigniew Oziewicz:Selected Papers from the International Conference “Applied Category Theory Graph-Operad-Logic” pp. 247–271, ed by H.M.Colin Garcia et al. WSPC, ISBN 978-981-12-7114-4, 2024
  3. Z. Haba
    Schrödinger evolution of a scalar field in Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian expanding metrics
    EPL 147, 42001, 2024
  4. Z. Haba
    Functional Formulation of Quantum Theory of a Scalar Field in a Metric with Lorentzian and Euclidean Signatures
    Entropy 26, 329, 2024
  5. Z. Haba
    The impact of a random metric upon a diffusing particle
    Sci Rep 14, 23474, 2024
  6. F. Hassler, Y. Sakatani
    Hierarchy of curvatures in exceptional geometry
    Phys. Rev. D 109, 106002, 2024
  7. F. Hassler, Y. Sakatani, L. Scala
    Generalized dualities for heterotic and type I strings
  8. T. Kodžoman, E. Lescano
    Noncommutative double geometry
    Phys. Rev. D 109, 046014, 2024
  9. E Lescano, N. Mirón-Granese, Y. Sakatani
    O⁡(𝐷,𝐷)-covariant formulation of perfect and imperfect fluids in the double geometry
    Phys. Rev. D 109, 086006, 2024
  10. E. Lescano, D. Osten
    Non-relativistic limits of bosonic and heterotic Double Field Theory
  11. J. Lukierski, S. Meljanac, S. Mignemi, A. Pachoł, M. Woronowicz
    From Snyder space-times to doubly κ-dependent Yang quantum phase spaces and their generalizations
    Phys. Lett. B 854, 138729, 2024
  12. A. Sorensen, K. Agarwal, … D. Blaschke, … J. Jankowski et al.
    Dense nuclear matter equation of state from heavy-ion collisions
    Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 134,104080, 2024
  13. T. Trześniewski
    Quantum symmetries in 2+1 dimensions: Carroll, (a)dS-Carroll, Galilei and (a)dS-Galilei
  14. D. Blixt, A. Jiménez Cano, A. Wojnar
    Foliation-Generating Observers Under Lorentz Transformations
    Symmetry 16 (2024) 10, 1384

List of Publications in 2023

  1. G. Amelino-Camelia, M. G. Di Luca, G. Gubitosi, G. Rosati, G. D’Amico
    Could quantum gravity slow down neutrinos?
    Nature Astronomy 7, 996, 2023
  2. M. Arzano, J. Kowalski-Glikman
    Quantum particles in noncommutative spacetime: An identity crisis
    Phys. Rev. D 107, 065001, 2023
  3. M. Bobula, T. Pawłowski
    Rainbow Oppenheimer-Snyder collapse and the entanglement entropy production
    Phys. Rev D 108, 026016, 2023
  4. D. Butter, F. Hassler, C. N. Pope, H. Zhang
    Consistent truncations and dualities.
  5. D. Butter, F. Hassler, C. N. Pope, H. Zhang
    Generalized dualities and supergroups
  6. A. Błaut, W. Sobków
    Polarized target as a tool for probing the non-standard properties of dark matter
    Physics of the Dark Universe 41, 101242, 2023
  7. R. Durka, K. M. Graczyk
    Resonant enlargements of the Poincaré/AdS (super)algebras
    Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 16, 6-A11, 2023
  8. R. Durka, J. Kowalski-Glikman
    A tale of two theories of gravity in asymptotically Anti-de Sitter spacetime
    J. High Energ. Phys. 2023, 29, 2023
  9. L. Freidel, J. Kowalski-Glikman, R. G. Leigh, D. Minic
    On the inevitable lightness of vacuum
    Int. J Mod. Phys. D 32, 2342004, 2023
  10. L. Freidel, J. Kowalski-Glikman, R. G. Leigh, D. Minic
    Vacuum energy density and gravitational entropy
    Phys. Rev. D 107, 126016, 2023
  11. Z. Haba
    Graviton noise: The Heisenberg picture
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 32, 2350005, 2023
  12. Z. Haba
    Response of a Canonical Ensemble of Quantum Oscillators to a Random Metric
    J Stat Phys 190, 43, 2023
  13. Z. Haba
    Lectures on Quantum Field Theory and Functional Integration
    Springer Cham 2023, ISBN 978-3-031-30711-9
  14. F. Hassler, S.Lacroix, B. Vicedo
    The magic renormalisability of affine Gaudin models
  15. F. Hassler, Yuho Sakatani
    All maximal gauged supergravities with uplift
    Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2023 083B07
  16. J. Jankowski, P. Kucharski, H. Larraguível, D. Noshchenko, P. Sułkowski
    Quiver Diagonalization and Open BPS States
    Commun. Math. Phys. 402, 1551, 2023
  17. J. Jankowski, M. Spaliński
    Hydrodynamic attractors in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions
    Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 132, 04048, 2023
  18. S. Kamata, J. Jankowski, M. Martinez
    Novel features of attractors and transseries in nonconformal Bjorken flows
    Phys. Rev. D 107, 116004, 2023
  19. M. Kowalczyk, T. Pawłowski
    Regularizations and quantum dynamics in loop quantum cosmology
    Phys. Rev. D 108, 086010, 2023
  20. J. Lukierski, S. Meljanac, S. Mignemi, A. Pachoł
    Generalized quantum phase spaces for the κ-deformed extended Snyder model
    Phys. Lett. B 838, 137709, 2023
  21. J. Lukierski, S. Meljanac, S. Mignemi, A. Pachoł
    Quantum perturbative solutions of extended Snyder and Yang models with spontaneous symmetry breaking
    Phys. Lett. B 847, 138261, 2023
  22. T. Trześniewski
    3D Gravity, Point Particles, and Deformed Symmetries
    Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 16, 6-A19, 2023

List of Publications in 2022

  1. A. Addazi, J. Alvarez-Muniz, R.A. Batista, … J. Kowalski-Glikman, … G. Rosati et al.
    Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era—A review
    Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 125, 103948, 2022
  2. M. Arzano, J. Kowalski-Glikman
    A group theoretic description of the κ-Poincaré Hopf algebra
    Phys. Lett. B 835, 137535, 2022
  3. A. Bevilacqua, J. Kowalski-Glikman
    Doubly Special Relativity and Relative Locality
    PoS(CORFU2021)322, 2022
  4. A. Bevilacqua, J. Kowalski-Glikman, W. Wiślicki
    κ-deformed complex scalar field: Conserved charges, symmetries, and their impact on physical observables
    Phys. Rev. D 105, 105004, 2022
  5. A. Borowiec, A. Kozak
    Scalar-tensor cosmologies in a minisuperspace formulation: A case study
    Phys. Rev. D 105, 044011, 2022
  6. D. Brizuela, T. Pawłowski
    Quantum fluctuations and semiclassicality in an inflaton-driven evolution
    J COSMOL ASTROPART PHYS 10, 080, 2022
  7. R. Durka
    The first law of black hole thermodynamics for Taub–NUT spacetime
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 31, 2250021, 2022
  8. R. Durka, K. M. Graczyk
    Resonant superalgebras for supergravity
    Eur. Phys. J. C 82, 254, 2022
  9. R. Durka, K. M. Graczyk
    N=2 resonant superalgebra for supergravity
    Phys. Lett. B 833, 137366, 2022
  10. Z. Haba
    Quantum Scalar-Field Propagator in a Stochastic Gravitational-Plane Wave
    Universe 8, 648, 2022
  11. J. Lukierski, M. Woronowicz
    Spinorial Snyder and Yang models from superalgebras and noncommutative quantum superspaces
    Phys. Lett. B 824, 136783, 2022
  12. A. Parvizi, T. Pawłowski, Y. Tavakoli, J. Lewandowski
    Rainbow black hole from quantum gravitational collapse
    Phys. Rev. D 105, 086002, 2022
  13. G. Rosati
    Covariant four dimensional differential calculus in κ-Minkowski
    Phys. Lett. B 828, 137016, 2022

List of Publications in 2021

  1. M. Arzano, A. Bevilacqua, J. Kowalski-Glikman, G. Rosati, J. Unger
    κ-deformed complex fields and discrete symmetries
    Phys. Rev. D 103, 106015, 2021
  2. M. Arzano, J. Kowalski-Glikman
    Deformations of Spacetime Symmetries: Gravity, Group-Valued Momenta, and Non-Commutative Fields.
    Lect. Notes Phys. 986, 2021
  3. P. Aschieri, A. Borowiec, A. Pachoł
    Dispersion relations in κ-noncommutative cosmology
  4. G. Amelino-Camelia G. Rosati S. Bedić
    Phenomenology of curvature-induced quantum-gravity effects
    Phys. Lett. B 820, 136595, 2021
  5. A. Borowiec, L. Brocki, J. Kowalski-Glikman, J. Unger
    BMS algebras in 4 and 3 dimensions, their quantum deformations and duals
    J. High Energ. Phys. 2021, 84, 2021
  6. A. Borowiec, J. Kowalski-Glikman, J. Unger
    3-dimensional Λ-BMS symmetry and its deformations
  7. R. Durka, J. Kowalski-Glikman
    Corners of gravity: the case of gravity as a constrained BF theory
  8. L. Freidel, J. Kowalski-Glikman, R. G. Leigh, D. Minic
    Quantum gravity phenomenology in the infrared
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 30, 2141002, 2021
  9. Z. Haba
    State-dependent graviton noise in the equation of geodesicdeviation
    Eur. Phys. J. C 81, 40, 2021
  10. Z. Haba
    Quantum State Evolution in an Environment of Cosmological Perturbations
    Universe 7, 117, 2021
  11. J. Jankowski, S. Kamata, M. Martinez, M. Spaliński
    Constraining the initial stages of ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions.
    Phys. Rev. D 104, 074012, 2021
  12. J. Jankowski, P. Kucharski, H. Larraguível, D. Noshchenko, P. Sułkowski
    Permutohedra for knots and quivers
    Phys. Rev. D 104, 086017, 2021
  13. R. Kerner, J. Lukierski
    Internal quark symmetries and colour SU(3) entangled with Z3-graded Lorentz algebra
    Nucl. Phys. B 972, 115529, 2021
  14. J. Lukierski
    Palatial Twistors from Quantum Inhomogeneous Conformal Symmetries and Twistorial DSR Algebras
    Symmetry 13, 1309, 2021
  15. P. Ługiewicz, L. Jakóbczyk, A. Frydryszak
    Properties of states on Weyl algebra with variable multiplication law
    J. Math. Phys. 62, 023502, 2021
  16. J. Lukierski
    Two θμν -deformed covariant relativistic quantum phase spaces as Poincaré-Hopf algebroidsPhysical Review D, 10.1103/physrevd.101.126003

List of Publications in 2020

  1. G. Amelino-Camelia, S. Bianco, G. Rosati
    Planck-scale-deformed relativistic symmetries and diffeomorphisms inmomentum space
    Phys. Rev. D 101, 026018, 2020
  2. A. Borowiec, A. Kozak
    New class of hybrid metric-Palatiniscalar-tensor theories of gravity
  3. A. Borowiec, M. Szcząchor
    The BF conformal gravity of MacDowell-Mansouri type
    AIP Conf.Proc. 2218, 020001, 2020
  4. A. Błaut, W. Sobków
    Neutrino elastic scattering on polarized electrons as a tool for probing the neutrino nature
    Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 261, 2020
  5. P. Concha, R. Durka, E. Rodríguez
    Resonant superalgebras and N=1 supergravity theories in three spacetime dimensions
    Phys. Lett. B 808, 135659, 2020
  6. R. Durka, K. Grela
    On the number of possible resonant algebras
    J. Phys. A-Math. Theor. 53, 355202, 2020
  7. Z. Haba
    Stochastic inflaton wave equation from an expanding environment
    Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 321, 2020
  8. Z. Haba
    Power spectrum of stochastic wave and diffusion equations in the warm inflation models
    Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 564, 2020
  9. Z. Haba
    Conformally flat traveling plane wave solutions of Einstein equations
    Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 17, 2050015, 2020
  10. Z. Haba
    Semi-Classical Einstein Equations: Descend to the Ground State
    Universe 6, 74, 2020
  11. J. Kowalski-Glikman, J. Lukierski, T. Trześniewski
    Quantum D = 3 Euclidean and Poincaré symmetries from contraction limits.
  12. J. Kowalski-Glikman, G. Rosati
    Path integral quantization of a spinning particle
    Phys. Rev. D 101, 065003, 2020
  13. J. Lukierski, M. Woronowicz
    Two θ μν -deformed covariant relativistic quantum phase spaces as Poincaré-Hopf algebroids
    Phys. Rev. D 101, 126003, 2020
  14. S. Mignemi G. Rosati
    Physical velocity of particles in relativistic curved momentum space
    Mod. Phys. Lett. A 35, 050180, 2020
  15. Giacomo Rosati
    The Duflo non-commutative Fourier transform for the Lorentz group
    Int. J Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 17, 2040011, 2020

List of Publications in 2019

    1. M. Arzano, J. Kowalski-Glikman
      Horizon temperature on the real line
      Phys. Lett. B 788, 82, 2019
    2. M. Arzano, J. Kowalski-Glikman, W. Wiślicki
      A bound on Planck-scale deformations of CPT from muon lifetime
      Phys. Lett. B 794, 41, 2019
    3. M. Assanioussi, A. Dapor, K. Liegener, T. Pawłowski
      Emergent de Sitter epoch of the loop quantum cosmos: A detailed analysis
      Phys. Rev. D 100, 084003, 2019
    4. D. Benisty, E. I. Guendelman, Z. Haba
      Unification of dark energy and dark matter from diffusive cosmology
      Phys. Rev. D 99, 123521, 2019
    5. A. Borowiec, L. Brocki, J. Kowalski-Glikman, J. Unger
      κ-deformed BMS symmetry
      Phys. Lett. B 790, 415 2019
    6. A. Borowiec, D. Meljanac, S. Meljanac, A. Pachoł
      Interpolations between Jordanian Twists Induced by Coboundary Twists
      Symmetry Integr. Geom.15, 054, 2019
    7. A. Błaut
      Gauge independent response of a laser interferometer to gravitational waves
      Class. Quantum Grav. 36, 055004, 2019
    8. A. Dapor, K. Liegener, T. Pawłowski
      Challenges in recovering a consistent cosmology from the effective dynamics of loop quantum gravity
      Phys. Rev. D 100, 106016, 2019
    9. R. Durka, J. Kowalski-Glikman
      Resonant algebras in Chern-Simons model of topological insulators
      Phys. Lett. B 795, 516, 2019
    10. L. Freidel, J. Kowalski-Glikman, R. G. Leigh, D. Minic
      Theory of metaparticles
      Phys. Rev. D 99, 066011, 2019
    11. A. Frydryszak, P. Ługiewicz, L.Jakóbczyk
      Two-qubit geometric discord. The solution
      J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1416, 012011, 2019
    12. A. M. Frydryszak, M. Gieysztor, A. Kuzmak
      Probing the geometry of two-qubit state space by evolution
      Quantum Inf. Process. 18, 84, 2019
    13. Z. Haba
      Slow-roll versus stochastic slow-roll inflation
      Eur. Phys. J. C 79, 906, 2019
    14. Z. Haba
      Stabilization of Starobinsky–Vilenkin stochastic inflation by an environmental noise
      Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 28, 1950085, 2019
    15. Z. Haba
      Stochastic wave equation with thermal noise in an expanding universe
      Phys. Lett. B 792, 320, 2019
    16. A. Kozak, A. Borowiec
      Palatini frames in scalar–tensor theories of gravity
      Eur. Phys. J. C 79, 335, 2019
    17. Z Popowicz
      N=2 Supercomplexification of the Korteweg-de Vries, Sawada-Kotera and Kaup-Kupershmidt Equations
      J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 26, 294, 2019
    18. P. Ługiewicz, A. Frydryszak, L. Jakóbczyk
      Two-qubit trace-norm geometric discord: the complete solution
      Quantum Inf Process 18, 185, 2019
    19. J. LukierskiTowards a $Z_3$-graded approach to quarks’ symmetries2019-10-10 |DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1416/1/012016
    20. J. LukierskiZ_3 – graded colour Dirac equations for quarks, confinement andgeneralized Lorentz symmetries
      DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.03.049

    List of Publications in 2018:

    1. A. Błaut
      Parameter estimation accuracies of Galactic binaries with eLISA
      Astroparticle Physics 101, 17, 2018
    2. Z. Haba
      Statistical Physics of the Inflaton Decaying in an Inhomogeneous Random Environment
      Advances in High Energy Physics 2018, 7204952
    3. Z. Haba
      Stochastic inflation with quantum and thermal noise
      Eur Phys J C 78, 596, 2018
    4. W. Sobków, A. Błaut
      On possibility of time reversal symmetry violation in neutrino elastic scattering on polarized electron target
      Eur Phys J C 78, 197, 2018
    5. C. A. Sporea, A. Borowiec, A. Wojnar
      Galaxy rotation curves via conformal factors
      Eur. Phys. J. C 78, 308, 2018
    6. A. Wojnar, C. A. Sporea, A. Borowiec
      A Simple Model for Explaining Galaxy Rotation Curves
      Galaxies 6, 70, 2018

    List of Publications in 2017:

    1. M. Arzano, J. Kowalski-Glikman
      Non-commutative fields and the short-scale structure of spacetime
      Phys Lett B 771, 222, 2017
    2. P. Aschieri, A. Borowiec, A. Pachoł
      Observables and dispersion relations in κ-Minkowski spacetime
      J. High Energ. Phys. 152, 2017
    3. A. Borowiec, J. Lukierski, V. N. Tolstoy
      Basic quantizations of D = 4 Euclidean, Lorentz, Kleinian and quaternionic o⋆(4) symmetries
      J. High Energy Phys. 187, 2017
    4. A. Borowiec, J. Lukierski, V. N. Tolstoy
      Addendum to “Quantum deformations of D = 4 Euclidean, Lorentz, Kleinian and quaternionic o⋆(4)o⋆(4) symmetries in unified o(4;C)o(4;C) setting” [Phys. Lett. B 754 (2016) 176–181]
      Phys Lett B 770, 426, 2017
    5. A. Borowiec, A. Pachoł
      Twisted bialgebroids versus bialgebroids from a Drinfeld twist
      Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 50, 055205, 2017
    6. A. Borowiec, M. Szydlowski, A. Wojnar
      A Note on Evgeny M. Lifshitz Historical Contribution
      3rd Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity, Kraków, Poland, September 25–29, 2016. Acta Phys Pol B Proc Suppl 10, 419-2017
    7. A. Frydryszak, L. Jakóbczyk, P. Ługiewicz
      Determining quantum correlations in bipartite systems – from qubit to qutrit and beyond
      XXIV International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries (ISQS-24) 14–18 June 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 804, 012016, 2017
    8. A. M. Frydryszak, M. I. Samar, V. M. Tkachuk
      Quantifying geometric measure of entanglement by mean value of spin and spin correlations with application to physical systems
      Eur. Phys. J. D 71, 233, 2017
    9. Z. Haba
      Models of a Diffusive DM/DE Interaction
      3rd Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity, Kraków, Poland, September 25–29, 2016. Acta Phys Pol B Proc Suppl 10, 333, 2017
    10. Z. Haba
      Thermodynamics of diffusive DM/DE systems
      General Relativity and Gravitation 49, 58, 2017
    11. J Kowalski-Glikman
      A short introduction to κ-deformation
      Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 32, 1730026, 2017
    12. J. Kowalski-Glikman
      κ-Poincaré as a Symmetry of Flat Quantum Spacetime
      3rd Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity, Kraków, Poland, September 25–29, 2016. Acta Phys Pol B Proc Suppl 10, 321, 2017
    13. A. Stachowski, M. Szydlowski, A. Borowiec
      Starobinsky cosmological model in Palatini formalism
      Eur Phys J C 77, 406, 2017
    14. M. Szydłowski, A. Stachowski, A. Borowiec
      Emergence of running dark energy from polynomial f(R) theory in Palatini formalism
      Eur. Phys. J. C 77, 603, 2017
    15. P. Ługiewicz, A. Frydryszak, L. Jakóbczyk
      Measurement-induced qudit geometric discord
      J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, 245301, 2017

    List of Publications in 2016:

    1. M. Arzano, J. Kowalski-Glikman
      Deformed discrete symmetries
      Phys. Lett. B 760, 69–73, 2016
    2. A. Borowiec, T. Jurić, S. Meljanac, A. Pachoł
      Central tetrads and quantum spacetimes
      Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 13, 1640005, 2016
    3. A. Borowiec, H. Kyono, J. Lukierski, J. Sakamoto, K Yoshida
      Yang-Baxter sigma models and Lax pairs arising from κ-Poincaré r-matrices
    4. A. Borowiec, J. Lukierski, V. N. Tolstoy
      Real and pseudoreal forms of D=4 complex Euclidean (super)algebras and super-Poincaré/ super-Euclidean r-matrices
      XXIII International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (ISQS-23) J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 670, 012013, 2016
    5. A. Borowiec, J. Lukierski, V. N. Tolstoy
      Quantum deformations of D = 4 Euclidean, Lorentz, Kleinian and quaternionic o⋆(4) symmetries in unified o(4;C) setting
      Phys. Let. B 754, 176–181, 2016
    6. A. Borowiec, A. Stachowski, M. Szydłowski, A. Wojnar
      Inflationary cosmology with Chaplygin gas in Palatini formalism
      J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 040 , 2016, arXiv:1512.01199
    7. F. Cianfrani, J. Kowalski-Glikman, G. Rosati
      Cyclic universe from Loop Quantum Gravit
      EPL 113, 40005, 2016
    8. F. Cianfrani, J. Kowalski-Glikman, D. Pranzetti, G. Rosati
      Symmetries of quantum spacetime in three dimensions
      PHYSICAL REVIEW D 94, 084044, 2016
    9. Z. Haba
      A relation between diffusion,temperature and the cosmological constant
      Mod. Phys .Lett. A 31,1650146, 2016
    10. Z. Haba, A. Stachowski, M. Szydłowski
      Dynamics of the diffusive DM-DE interaction – Dynamical system approach
      J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 024 , 2016
    11. L. Jakóbczyk, W. Cegła, A. Frydryszak, P. Garbaczewski, R. Olkiewicz
      Reports on Mathematical Physics 77, 265-266, 2016
    12. L. Jakóbczyk, A. Frydryszak, P. Ługiewicz
      Qutrit geometric discord
      Phys. Lett. A 380, 1535–1541, 2016
    13. W. Sobków, A. Błaut
      Azimuthal asymmetry of recoil electrons in neutrino-electron elastic scattering as signature of neutrino nature
      Eur. Phys. J C 76, 257, 2016
    14. W. Sobków, A. Błaut
      Probing neutrino nature at Borexino detector with chromium neutrino source
      Eur. Phys. J. C 76, 550, 2016
    15. C. A. Sporea, A. Borowiec
      Low energy greybody factors for fermions emitted by a Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole
      Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 25, 1650043, 2016
    16. M. Szydłowski, A. Stachowski, A. Borowiec, A. Wojnar
      Do sewn singularities falsify the Palatini cosmology?
      Eur. Phys. J. C 76, 567, 2016, arXiv:1512.04580

    Last update: 14.01.2025