dr Maciej Matyka

tel. (+48 71) 375 93 96
email: maciej.matyka [at] ift.uni.wroc.pl



Research Topics:

  • Porous media flow
  • Mesoscopic and particle solvers for fluid flows
  • GPUs
  • Computer graphics & animation

Latest Papers:

  1. M. Matyka, J. Golembiewski, Z. Koza
    The velocity distribution in a random porous medium
    Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Porous Media and Their Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry , (2014)
  2. Z. Koza, M. Matyka, S. Szkoda, L. Miroslaw
    Compressed Multirow Storage Format for Sparse Matrices on Graphics Processing Units
    SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 36-2, C219-C239(2014)
  3. A. Khalili, M.R. Morad, M. Matyka, B. Liu, R. Malekmohammadi, J. Weise, M.M.M. Kuypers
    Porosity variation below a fluid-porous interface
    Chem. Eng. Sci. 107, 311-316(2014)
  4. M. Matyka, Z. Koza, J. Golembiewski, M. Kostur, M. Januszewski
    Anisotropy of flow in stochastically generated porous media
    Phys. Rev. E 88, 023018(2013)